Tracey Hiete Smith – A message to young girls & teens

Conic are thrilled to introduce to you all, a strong, inspiring woman whose passion for health and wellness – both the physical and mental components – has influenced her desire to educate and empower young girls.

Tracey Hiete Smith is a mother, a business woman, an athlete, a coach and a mentor. She grew up in Southern California and played all sports as a child. At the age of 13, she committed herself to tennis full time; through hard work and passion, Tracey received a scholarship to play tennis at Duke University. After graduating, she went straight on the pro tour and played for eight years on the WTA women’s tour, reaching a career high singles ranking of #178 in the world. After travelling the world competing in pro tennis, Tracey was hired as the Director of Tennis at Brentwood Country Club in Los Angeles, CA, where she coached all ages and levels for six years – she was most fond of her role as a coach/mentor for the entire junior program at the club.

Tracey also runs her own Skincare business – Rodan + Fields (R + F) – their Multi-Step Science involves products that are specially formulated to complement each other, allowing customers to not only achieve clearer skin, but feel empowered by it. Tracey’s experiences as an athlete and coach, along with her knowledge as a mother and businesswoman have shaped her perspective on both physical and mental wellbeing. Hence, Conic welcome Tracey on board and look forward to the positive, educational and inspiring impact she will have on our young demographic.     

Read what Tracey has to say:

My message to young girls and teens on life and skincare


Learning to use your voice to say what you believe and to stand up for yourself and others might be one of the most powerful tools you cultivate in your life.
Your voice is a powerful force. Your words can encourage and support others. Your words can make people laugh. Your words can make people feel good about themselves. You can choose to use your voice to help someone who is afraid and hides in silence.

You can use your voice to tell the truth. You can use your voice to tell the world about your dreams and aspirations. You can use your voice to heal.
Your voice has the extraordinary power to help spread hope, love, kindness and positive energy throughout the world. One day you might find your voice can save a life.

Teaching young girls how to use their voices... to stand up for their beliefs... to stand up for themselves and others who need help... to know they are worthy and their beliefs are valid is an essential part of developing their overall sense of self-esteem and self-worth.

As a mother, a coach and a mentor I believe passionately about sending our young girls into this world with a voice as strong as a lion’s roar.


 I believe all young girls must hear this every day.
You can do it.
With consistent, daily repetition... belief is created and all things become possible. Positive mindset becomes your greatest strength.
Set your goals high and SEE them clearly in your mind; see them so clearly you can touch them. There is nothing more powerful than to walk through life with a river of self-belief running through your core.
Be confident and courageous; share your visions and motivations out loud with others. Expect to achieve your goals.
And work hard. Work harder than anyone else. Nothing worthwhile comes easily...


To be kind means to show care, concern, affection, warmth and consideration for someone’s feelings or situation. To show kindness is sometimes seen as weakness.
I believe showing kindness demonstrates emotional strength. Being kind can require courage. Be kind takes strength of character.
Kindness is an interpersonal strength just like confidence, a strong work ethic, being a team player, communication skills, positive attitude and others. We must spend time cultivating and nurturing kindness just like these other behaviours and skills.

Kindness can be about telling the truth in a gentle and non-invasive way when it is helping another person. The ability to give and receive truthful feedback is a significant component in our growth and development as individuals.

Kindness means being kind to your yourself. We must teach young girls to be kind to themselves. Do our young girls speak kindly to themselves? Do they take care of themselves?
I believe by encouraging kindness, we can promote healthy, strong and satisfying relationships in all aspects of life.


My business is skincare. Every day, I help people improve their skin and complexion by introducing them to products formulated to address their personal issues, skin type and gender. I teach and advise people about good skin care routines and daily habits which promote clear, healthy and radiant skin. I educate people on the importance of a proper, consistent skincare routine and using effective, proven and safe products which deliver results.

At the core of my business, especially in relation to teens experiencing problematic and hormonal skin, is helping people protect their emotional wellbeing and enhance their self-esteem through clear skin.  

Acne is a skin disease that affects 85% of teens; scientific, medical research and psychology studies make it extremely clear that it can have detrimental and long-lasting effects on their emotional state. The American Academy of Dermatology states, “For many people with acne, the skin disease affects more than their appearance. Acne can take a toll on one’s emotional health”. Researchers have found in study after study that people with acne can also develop:

    • Depression 

    • Anxiety 

    • Low self-esteem 

    • Poor self-image 

    • Decreased quality of life 

    • A feeling of being all alone 

Research shows that even mild cases of acne can affect one’s emotional health. This is especially true for teenage girls. In the majority of studies teenage girls say that acne makes them feel unattractive. Teens with acne can experience bullying. This is devastating to a person’s sense of worth and confidence. Studies show that people affected by acne feel embarrassed, unattractive and self-conscious; such feelings can even cause some kids to avoid trying out for a sports team, getting a job, socialising or participating in class. Hence, educating and sharing effective skin care routines can help prevent these scenarios. It can be life changing for some and this is what motivates me to reach as many teens and their families as possible about the benefits of excellent skin care products and developing the routines to maintain a healthy complexion. Clear skin is another powerful way to equip our youth with confidence and self-belief. 

With today’s science and state of the art technology in formulations and ingredients, we have effective and safe products readily available that can effectively manage serious skin concerns like teenage acne. However, education and early treatment is key. Studies show that the longer a skin disease like acne lasts, the more likely it is to not only scar, but affect one’s emotional wellbeing; therefore, education and early treatment is paramount.

My objective is to educate, inform and share with our teens good skincare habits and routines. I encourage families and friends to be aware of the greater emotional impact our skin can have in our lives. Just as we aim to instill healthy habits in our children when it comes to nutrition, exercise, mental health, sleep, personal presentation, and sun protection... skin is the largest organ in our body and we must look after it. The emotional wellbeing of our youth is at stake.