Vegetarian Pesto Pulse Salad



1 x 250g pack of pulse pasta

2 x zucchini's, sliced

1 x punnet of cherry tomatoes, whole

2 x cups baby spinach


1.5 cups of basil leaves

1/4 cup pinenuts, lightly toasted

3/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil

1 cup of parmesan

2-3 cloves garlic, minced



1. Boil a large saucepan of water and cook pasta according to directions

2. Meanwhile, add all pesto ingredients to a food processor or NutriBullet and whiz until it reaches your desired consistency. I like mine with a little texture

3. Heat some olive oil in a fry pan over medium heat, and sauté tomatoes whole and zucchini slices, until tomatoes are slightly soft

4. Add cooked pasta, baby spinach and pesto and turn the heat off

5. Stir thoroughly so the pesto mixture is even throughout

 6. Serve as is or pair with some chicken